Monday, July 21, 2014

What will happen to the MCDCC?

The MCDCC (Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee) had what it probably the largest turnover in a long time this month. The new Chair, Kevin Walling, was elected his first day as an MCDCC member, and he is the youngest ever elected to that position.

At the organizational meeting of the MCDCC on July 14, 2014, five former Chairs of the MCDCC were present and most spoke about how optimistic they are about the new MCDCC membership. And the MCDCC members, even the candidate who ran against Kevin Walling, have pledged strong support for the new officers. At the same time, there are rumors (but we should never believe rumors until we get the facts ourselves -- right?) that there is some infighting within MCDCC, but we'll watch and see what happens.

There's a more basic question.
What is the MCDCC supposed to do?

Some have said the role of the MCDCC is simply to elect Democrats in MoCo. If that's all they're supposed to do, they don't have much work ahead of them as all elected officials in MoCo are Democrats and that's likely to continue.

Some say the role of MCDCC is to lead the party in our County, including taking stands on important issues. That may be good, but it should also be remembered that this might interfere with the previously stated goal, to elect Democrats. For example, if MCDCC takes a strong stand on an issue such as expansion of casino gambling, where MoCo Democrats are split, would that cause some voters not to come to the polls? Unlikely, but possible.

Some say the most important duty of MCDCC is the "nuts and bolts" of party organization. There are about 250 precincts in MoCo and many of them don't have Precinct Chairs and/or Vice Chairs. MCDCC should concentrate on filling those positions, so every precinct has Democrats working to get out the vote and inform Democratic voters about elections. This isn't glamorous work, but it might be the most important thing MCDCC can be doing now.

Just some thoughts. Others are welcome.

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