Sunday, October 2, 2016

Red Mass

This morning my wife and I attended the Red Mass. That's a Catholic Mass in DC that is held the Sunday before the Supreme Court starts its session each year. (What about separation of Church and State? Who knows?) 

Some may remember an episode of The West Wing titled Red Mass.

It's presided over by Cardinal Wuerl of DC and we were sitting on the aisle so we were close, as they passed by, to Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, and Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, plus Attorney General Loretta Lynch. I think they're all, except Breyer, Catholic but I don't know about Lynch. Cardinal Wuerl was at Leisure World on Barbara's and my 100th weekly anniversary, and today was our 300 week anniversary. When he greeted us after the Red Mass we told him that, and he immediately gave us another blessing.

Fiorello! - "Little Tin Box"

Last night my wife and I saw Fiorello! (the exclamation is part of the title.) It was the first musical I saw, in the 1960s, It's great as a musical, a love story, and a cynical view of politics. The best song is an answer to the question, the gist of which is how did you manage on a small city salary to buy a yacht. The answer: I save my pennies in a "Little Tin Box."