Monday, July 21, 2014

It's time to change the Maryland state song

The lyrics of the Maryland state song were written during the Civil War by someone who desperately wanted the Confederacy to win and the United States to lose. He was a traitor to the U.S. (From the U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.")

Yet in 2014 we continue to use state song lyrics written by someone who wanted to tear the United States in two, and that defame Abraham Lincoln for his efforts to keep the Union together and stop the spread of slavery. This is wrong.

It's not unheard of for a state to change its song. Virginia did it about 10 years ago, eliminating words that told us how wonderful slavery was. Maryland should do it now.

At the same time the Maryland General Assembly eliminates the current state song, it can start a contest for a new state song. More interest could be generated among our citizens in the state song and we could come up with a much better song that truly describes the good qualities of our State.

This is not an attack on history. Maryland has many much better ways of remembering our history, including historical markers and remembrances of our history including Civil War battles fought on our territory.

The MCDCC has adopted a motion supporting a change in the state song. Hopefully the Maryland State Senate and House of Delegates will agree.

The state song needs to be changed, and many of us hope that will happen as soon as possible.

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