Friday, November 21, 2014

Kevin Walling

Kevin Walling joined the MCDCC (Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee) this summer and was almost immediately elected its Chair. I believe that is the first time this ever happened with MCDCC, and Kevin was also the youngest person ever elected to this position. He has now resigned.

There are some who have a negative view of Kevin but I am firmly on the other side. I have worked with him and found him to be intelligent, considerate, and willing to work hard. Yes, he made some mistakes just as all of us do, but he was willing to check into them and figure out ways to improve.

There's no point now in going further about my admiration for Kevin Walling. He has chosen to leave and MCDCC accepted his resignation and will choose a new Chair at its meeting in December. However, I hope he will be remembered for the good things he did, which are many.

Hopefully, MCDCC will come out of this stronger and more able to deal with the real problems the MoCo Democratic party faces.

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