Monday, August 1, 2016

Trump and the Khan Family

It is amazing that anyone could be so heartless as to try to demean a mother and father whose son died while in the U.S. Army and defending his fellow soldiers.

What should a candidate say about those parents? "I'd like to hear from the wife" or "Who wrote that? Did Hillary's script writers write it" or "I've made many sacrifices. I work very hard."

The only thing that can be said about someone who would say that, as Mr. Khazir Khan, the father of the sacrificed soldier did, that Donald Trump has a "black soul."

And what makes this worse is that the candidate dodged the draft because he claimed a minor heel spur --- yet he engages in all sorts of sports. And none of his sons apparently gave the slightest thought to volunteer to join the U.S. armed forces, as Mr. Khan's son did. Yet Donald Trump claims to be a patriot and questions Muslims such as Mr. Khan and his son.

This is all an embarrassment to our country.

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